Customize In-Ear Headset with Your Own IEMS
Two Ways to Custom fit your Headset with Custom In-ear Monitors
If you’re looking to use your custom in-ear monitors with your comms headset, here are two ways to make it personal. Read below to get a head start!⠀
Removable Earphone Cable Assembly
All CM-i3 and CM-i5 in-ear headsets provide the capability to fully remove the earbud and cable assembly to rethread your own preferred in-ear monitor (IEM) set. Cable widths can vary from custom IEM manufacturers such as Ultimate Ears, 64 Audio or JH Audio, so if you find your cables are a bit too wide for the trench around the ear frame, simply loop it over the top.

Detachable Earphones
Our CM-i3 and CM-i5 earbuds use the micro-miniature coaxial (MMCX) snap-on connector allowing the earbuds to be detached and replaced just at the “buds.” This feature upgrade streamlines the care and maintenance of your headset.
- Remove to maintain proper hygiene if sharing the headset
- Replace with personal IEM of your liking
- Troubleshoot and replace quickly with little downtime

If you have questions about how to customize your in-ear headset or if the custom in-ear monitors you have will fit, our Education Team can answer them! Schedule a LIVE PRODUCT DEMO